Surfing the radio waves of Cascadia since 2013!
The RabbitEars autologger network represents a real-time, 24/7 propagation monitoring system capable of detecting tropo and e-skip openings nationwide, with more than 200 individual stations across the continent.
As part of this network, I maintain four of these stations - two in each Moses Lake and Tri-Cities. For each location, one autologger logs stations received via SDR Console, and the other logs stations received via a TEF6686 receiver that is stationed at that location. I also maintain a small network of stations for when I travel to places such as Prosser, Steptoe Butte and Mt. Spokane.
#60 | Moses Lake #200 | Moses Lake (TEF6686) #80 | Tri-Cities #199 | Tri-Cities (TEF6686) Join the Network | Click Here for Set-Up Instructions!Below is a collection of archived projects including screenshot files, TOTH IDs, etc. produced between 2018 and 2023.
Media SW Radiogram Station IDs Distant DXBelow is a collection of resources that fellow radio enthusiasts may find useful.
PI Calculator Callsign Identifier MW Pattern Maps - TV Info RadioLand Mobile App TEF6686 Set-Up | DX CentralMy other ongoing work of progress - a directory of radio stations worldwide with HD Radio broadcasts. Known for its accuracy compared to other sources, it is popular among DXers and radio enthusiasts alike, and the ongoing progress has sparked a new generation of HD radio enthusiasts across the continent!
Disclaimer: This HD Radio Directory is a project created by Kyle (DXsphere). While I strive for this database to be as accurate and up to date as possible, it is not associated with iBiquity/Xperi or the official HD Radio website ( in any way.